Digital whiteboards are becoming increasingly popular in classrooms, as they offer a number of advantages over traditional chalkboards. Digital whiteboard for teaching is a new trend. By providing an interactive and engaging platform for students, digital whiteboards are revolutionizing the way we teach. 


How digital whiteboards facilitate the classroom


  1. Increased engagement – Digital whiteboards can be used to create interactive lessons that engage students and encourage them to participate.


  1. Enhanced visuals – With a digital whiteboard, you can easily incorporate multimedia content into your lessons, making them more visually appealing and stimulating for students.


  1. Greater flexibility – Digital whiteboards offer greater flexibility than traditional chalkboards, allowing you to easily change your lesson plans or adapt them on the fly if necessary.


  1. Improved collaboration – Digital whiteboards make it easy for students to work together on projects and assignments, fostering a more collaborative learning environment.


  1. Easy assessment – With a digital whiteboard, you can quickly and easily assess student understanding by incorporating formative assessment tools into your lessons.


Tips for Getting Started


Here are a few tips from Ikinor to get started with using digital whiteboards in your own classroom:


  1. Get to know the features and capabilities of your digital whiteboard. Each model is different, so take some time to explore all of the features that are available to you. This will help you make the most of the tool in your teaching.


  1. Think about how you can use the digital whiteboard to enhance your existing lessons and curriculum. There are many ways to incorporate a digital whiteboard into your teaching, so be creative and experiment to find what works best for you and your students.


  1. Use multimedia content to engage your students and add interest to your lessons. Students today are used to consuming content in a variety of formats, so incorporating multimedia into your lessons will help keep them engaged and interested in what you’re teaching.


  1. Take advantage of the collaborative features of digital whiteboards. Many models come with built-in collaboration features that allow multiple users to interact with the board at the same time. This can be a great way to get students working together on projects or assignments.


  1. Make sure you have a good understanding of how to use the technology before you try using it in front of your class. Nothing is worse than trying to use a new piece of technology and not being able to figure it out in front of your students! Make sure you understand all aspects.




Digital whiteboards have revolutionized the way of teaching, and they are great tools to help teachers keep their students engaged in class. Ikinor has almost 10 years of experience in this field with products such as interactive whiteboards, interactive flat panels & interactive smart whiteboards. We also have professional management of our business development and partnerships. If you also want to be our business partner, please contact us directly.


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